Sep 2021

The Future of Logistics

Future logistic solutions
Integrated smart solutions Logistics process

The business world experienced the coronavirus pandemic. And the Logistics sector has been propelled to review its innovations that have been definitive over the 21st century. This pandemic has proved to be a catalyst on how B2B businesses move forward with their logistics. By being inclusive of sustainability and embracing new technology. What does the future of logistics look like for PCB Connect?

  1. Sustainable approaches

Every challenge comes with its opportunities. The world took a pause due to the pandemic. That had a dramatic impact on our environment. Roads became less congested and air pollution eased. The International Energy Agency estimates, that global greenhouse gas emissions will be around 8% lower this year as a direct result of the virus.

2. Managing risk with flexibility

PCB Connect understands that flexibility is important in ensuring that we are able to deliver quality PCB’s to our customers. Being able to manage volatile demand and erratic supply interruptions have been an activity we have had a hands-on approach to, where we have been actively sourcing alternative means to supply our customers with their ordered PCBs

3. Future-Proofing Supply chain by utilising people and technology

Digital approaches are becoming an integral part of the supply chain and logistics processes. Our goal as an organisation is to be agile, adaptable and continue to learn as supply and demand conditions change. The world finds itself between a transformational phase. The future of logistics is top of the trend radar. PCB connect is excited to be a part of the evolution of logistics. We look forward to better servicing our customers.

Source: https://bit.ly/39GxbD2