Aug 2024

PCB Connect Group Celebrates 20 Years in Business

Stockholm, Sweden – Two decades ago, Jonas Pettersson embarked on an entrepreneurial journey that would transform a nascent idea into a global enterprise. Today, PCB Connect celebrates its 20th anniversary, marking a significant milestone in its history of innovation, growth, and success. Founded in 2004, PCB Connect started with a clear vision: to create a company that not only stood out in the marketplace but also made a positive impact on its employees, customers, and the wider community. What began as a modest operation has since blossomed into a thriving business with a turnover of 53 million USD and a dedicated workforce of 125 employees spread across 17 countries. The CEO, Jonas Pettersson and some employees would like to share their journey with PCB Connect Group over the years…

The Netherlands Division

“Celebrating 20 years in business is a remarkable achievement,” said John Kuitert, Managing Director of PCB Connect BV in the Netherlands office, who has seen the company grow significantly since joining in August 2010. Annika, a member of his team, would like to share her experience with the company.

Annika Tiesler, Account Manager, joined in June 2014 in the PCB Connect BV, Netherlands office.

After Annika moved from Berlin to Eindhoven in 2011 and after working for other companies that were not the right fit, she soon found that PCB Connect was the opportunity she was looking for and has been with the company ever since.

Tell us about your early days joining PCB Connect, Annika:

“I remember growing much faster because of all the business activities such as fairs, customer visits, networking, and daily workflow reviews, which helped me adapt independently and quickly to the role. Starting in CS and Logistics, I could work to my strengths and be myself. I’ve continued to build strong relationships with customers, giving the best service and working in a great team – I couldn’t ask for more. Now, being an Account Manager, I’ve been able to define the role; being more diverse, I can make it my own and work to my strengths.”

Annika, what makes PCB Connect a great place to work?

“My CS team makes my work enjoyable. We get on well in our day job, as well as outside of work. I have been able to balance my personal and work life. I have felt supported having grown my family since being with PCB Connect. Any challenge that has come my way, I have been able to manage and have stayed committed to the business without sacrificing my personal time.”

How has PCB Connect grown over the years, Annika?

“The company growth over the years has been tremendous and persists to this day. Everyone’s hard work and dedication to learning new platforms and focusing on what is important have contributed to the business’s global expansion. For me, it is truly the people who are the face and the heart of PCB Connect. We value working together and providing a solution for our customers’ PCB challenges. Regardless of the situation, we make things work. I am also happy in the Netherlands, and PCB Connect helped me to stay in Eindhoven with my family.”

China Division

Julia Zhou, Managing Director of PCB Connect Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd in the China office, started with the company back in 2005. She began working in the Logistics department, then Sourcing and in 2012 got promoted to Chief Representative and transitioned into the Managing Director role when company status was established.

“The China division remains the most important bridge between suppliers, intercompany and customers. And China is a big potential market. The sales team and I have achieved certain results, and are committed to expanding a higher market share as we continue to work together and develop the company into a strong position to acquire new partnerships. The world is everchanging, and the PCB industry now is different compared to 20 years ago. We are constantly motivate ourselves to adjust to the changes and keep improving. In the future, it will be a situation with both challenges and opportunities, as long as we believe in the idea that the pursuit of excellence is endless, our team and our company will become more successful,” said Julia Zhou. She continues, “Our 20th anniversary is a testament to our collective team. Here are a couple of heartfelt testimonials from our dedicated employees.”

Fancy He, Logistics Supervisor, joined in April 2011 in the PCB Connect Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd in the China office. 

Fancy’s long-standing employment with PCB Connect started over 13 years ago. She liked the working environment which has made it open and simple to voice her ideas and build an effective team with support from the flexible management team.

What have you learnt since working for PCB Connect, Fancy?

“I’ve had the opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge from basic CAM to solving complex technical issues promptly. Over the years I have been able to get the training required to do my job effectively. Having developed my communication skills and built my confidence in understanding all the processes, procedures and negotiation abilities; I have been able to provide training to my team. There is a yearly training program which ensures everyone is up to date and can perform to their highest potential.”

Fancy, tell us about the milestones or projects at work you are proud of:

“I developed and introduced the 2-4 cheap and good service logistics agent and forwarder launched in 2018. I have independently led the CN Logistics Department and been able to help my team become more qualified, and this has ensured we are capable of providing the best service to our customers and partners. The pandemic caused some delivery issues, but we carried on to find solutions, and together we overcame the obstacles.”

2024 marks PCB Connect celebrating 20 years in business, what are your thoughts about it, Fancy?

“I am proud to have worked at PCB Connect for all these years and seen the company grow significantly. We have overcome difficulties, and are aware there will be more challenges in the future but with our continued commitment we will work through them. Congratulations to the business on celebrating 20 years!”

Koen Hu, Asia QA Manager, joined in April 2011 in the PCB Connect Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd in the China office.

Koen’s been with PCB Connect for over 13 years in the China office and enjoys working with his team and problem-solving to provide the best outcome for customers.

What’s your favourite perk, policy and/or process at PCB Connect, Koen?

“I like having performance meetings with my team, having a review to see the strengths and weaknesses in our processes allows us to address what’s working well and areas that need improvements. I also appreciate our five-day working week, as this helps us balance our personal and work lives. Also, the company kick-off events have been a fantastic opportunity to meet other divisions in a new location and finally meet work colleagues in person for the first time.”

Koen, what are your colleagues like and what have you learned together at PCB Connect?

“My colleagues are polite, friendly and smart. We have mutual respect for one another and work well together. Some team members and I have learnt to speak English, allowing international communication within the company and also with customers/partners. We have had training in plant auditing and improved our claim-handling method. The growth opportunities that the company offers have been excellent from international culture and personal development, strengthening each division’s communication and processes.”

Anything else to add, Koen?

“Yes, joining PCB Connect was the best decision of my career. Over the years, I’ve witnessed our team’s resilience, creativity, and unwavering commitment. Especially when we all were hit with the pandemic. Every day, I wake up excited to assist our customers. Our teamwork has made this journey incredibly fulfilling. Congratulations everyone to 20 years in business; here’s to 20 more years of making a difference!”

“Thank you, Fancy and Koen,” said Julia Zhou. She continues “This year is the 20th anniversary of PCB Connect Group, it is special for all of us! I would like to take the opportunity to wish the company a bright future and wish our team greater unity and a more prosperous career. Thank you to every colleague for their dedication and efforts. Let’s work together to create a better future!”

PCB Connect

It’s been a remarkable journey. The journey of PCB Connect is a testament to the hard work of a committed team. From its humble beginnings, the company has grown exponentially, navigating through economic fluctuations and industry challenges with resilience and ingenuity.

What are your thoughts on 20 years in business, Jonas Pettersson, Founder and CEO of PCB Connect?

“Our success over the past 20 years is a result of our relentless pursuit of excellence and our commitment to innovation. We have always prioritized our customers’ needs and strived to exceed their expectations. This milestone is a celebration of our team’s dedication and the strong relationships we’ve built with our clients and partners.”

Innovative Growth and Expansion

The global footprint of PCB Connect is a reflection of its ambitious growth strategy. With operations in 17 countries, the company has successfully navigated the complexities of international markets, adapting to local cultures and regulations while maintaining a unified corporate vision.

A Dedication to People 

At the heart of PCB Connect’s success is its people. The company prides itself on fostering a supportive and inclusive workplace where employees are encouraged to grow and innovate. “Our team is the backbone of our company,” Jonas Pettersson emphasized. “Their passion, creativity, and unwavering commitment are what drive us forward.”

Looking Ahead

As PCB Connect celebrates its 20th anniversary, the future looks brighter than ever. With a strong foundation and a clear vision for the future, the company is poised to continue its trajectory of growth and innovation. Plans are already underway for further expansion, with new markets being explored and new projects in the pipeline. “Our journey is far from over,” said Jonas Pettersson. “The next chapter promises exciting opportunities and challenges, and we are ready to embrace them with the same spirit of innovation and determination that has brought us this far.”

The 20th anniversary of PCB Connect is more than just a celebration of past achievements; it is a testament to the power of vision, hard work, and unwavering commitment to excellence. As the company looks to the future, it remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible, continuing to make a difference in the lives of its employees, customers, and the global community.

For more information about PCB Connect and its journey, visit www.pcbconnectgroup.com